Sara’s bio
Specially Sarah was a book I bought as a child as I identified with Sarah in terms of her age and position in the family; I have consequently kept it on my shelves. Authors on my shelves that I have bought more recently include Jodi Piccoult, Tess Gerritsen and David Nicholas. Some books are only found on my ‘to be read shelf’ and once read, are passed to someone else directly or via a charity shop.
I attend a book club in Sheffield to broaden my reading from what I would naturally choose; recent books include To the Lighthouse by Virgina Woolf and A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. Through the book club I found out about digital fiction and viewed the Digital Fiction “Wallpaper” and Blast Theory’s Karen app. This led to me attending the Reading on Screen workshop. Although finding out about digital fiction has been interesting, at present I will continue buying physical rather than electronic books.
Love this, a story that offers empowerment!